Acne and How to Prevent it: NYC Facials

Most people experience acne at some point during their life. It can be very problematic, causing a person to lose confidence and self-esteem. People with very bad facial acne will tend to withdraw from society, not wanting to have much contact with other people out of fear that they will be made fun of. There is no need for a person to live this kind of existence. Get a NYC facial massage and see the difference in your skin!

Causes of acne

It is possible to get rid of whatever acne you are suffering from, no matter how bad it is. However, before you are able to successfully treat acne, you need to understand what causes it. There are some differences between adult and teen acne. Acne can be caused by the ingredients used in skin care products, or sensitivity to items that come into contact with your face. However, most acne is caused by pores becoming clogged with oil, dead skin cells or dirt. Adults have the added problem of getting acne as a result of a hormonal shift in the body. This is more common in women. As people get older, the cellular wall of pores becomes weaker. This results in pores stretching out and growing in size. This increases the likelihood of pores getting clogged. While hormonal shifts cause the majority of adult acne, more blackheads can be caused by the weakening of the cellular walls of pores.

Acne treatments

So now that you know what causes acne, how do you get rid of it? First of all, it is important to keep your face clean. Using a facial scrub will exfoliate layers of dead skin that could potentially clog your pores, resulting in acne. You must be careful not to use a facial cleanser that is too harsh. Doing this could irritate your skin and make it turn red.

Why a NY Facial Massage and Facial

Along with keeping your face clean, it is also important to keep your face properly moisturized. You can do this by contacting an expert at the Aura Wellness Spa. One of the most effective ways of preventing adult acne is to get a NYC facial massage along with the Aura Signature Facial or Purity (Anti-Acne) Detoxifying Facial Rejuvenation treatment.

If you have suffered from acne for years, the treatments provided by Aura Wellness Spa can help you to eliminate your acne, allowing you to live your life to the fullest with confidence. You can have the clear complexion and beautiful appearance that you deserve. The first step to having acne-free skin is to contact Aura, so make an appointment today.

Aura Wellness Spa can help you

Aura Spa is open every day of the week from 10 AM until 2 AM, so no matter how busy life gets, or what hours offer a couple the most convenient time for this rewarding experience, Aura Spa is there to help. You can book your New York facial treatment online and can select the package you’d like, the date and time that would work best, and you can even add special comments to ensure you have an optimal experience.

Today is a great day to book online or call Aura Spa to take the first step toward an invigorating relaxation experience. Call (212) 695-9559.