How to find the best Day Spa in NYC

Day Spa in NYC

Whether you are a resident of New York City, or merely a visitor, it is important to know how to unwind. You need time to relax and just rid yourself of the stressors in life. One of the best ways to unwind is by visiting a day spa. Finding the right NYC day spa for your needs can be a bit tricky but it can be done without a lot of effort and asking around.

One of the first things you should do, when searching for a NYC day spa, is determine what you want. There are plenty of choices most day spas offer and you need to have an idea of the services you would like. If you have never taken the time to visit a day spa it can be a bit overwhelming. Ask yourself some questions first and then do a bit of research. Do you want a facial? Do you need a haircut or a pedicure/manicure? Do you want to make an entire day of it and try new massages and wraps? Once you narrow down what you need and want, along with how much time you have to spend, you can then begin to narrow down your choices and where to find a list of suitable businesses.

There are some really great sources for finding a day spa in New York City. One resource to turn to are magazines. Some well known magazines have reviewed many of the day spas found in the city. Vanity Fair and Cosmopolitan are two that have published articles on reputable day spas. Another option to pursue when looking for day spas are websites. Websites such as, and have sections completely dedicated to lifestyles and wellness.

Finally…sometimes the best research on the Internet cannot compete with word of mouth. If you have friends, family members or even coworkers you trust…ask them. They can give you the best advice on where they go and spend their money. If you are visiting New York City and do not know anyone, you can always ask the hotel manager. Your hotel may even have a day spa! Get out and find the right NYC day spa for your needs and if you love it – post a review or tell others about it as well!