Therapeutic Grottos
Aura Wellness Spa is a Korean Asian spa offering many kinds of spa services. Among other services, Aura Wellness Spa offers a choice of four therapeutic grottoes, and a visitor can utilize any or all of them when visiting. A grotto contains several different kinds of treatment, including sauna and massage. Studies have shown that persons using saunas on a regular basis are healthy and live long, productive and happy lives. If you have a need for a relaxing experience, there is no better place to go in NYC.
Therapeutic Grottoes are constructed of materials designed to eliminate various toxins from the body, as well as improving breathing, skin texture, body healing and providing herbal remedies, which are steamed into each grotto. Grottoes also help to improve circulation, metabolism and relieve arthritis and muscle pain. A grotto will also produce a sense of well-being by reducing stress and cause a visitor to relax in a way nothing else can.
The Hwangto Dry Grotto offers high (but not excessively high) heat to bring on heavy sweating for detoxification and cleansing. The Crystal & Jade Dry Grottoes help with ailments such as arthritis. The Crystal & Jade Steam Grottoes are helpful to persons with respiratory problems, since the steam loosens chest muscles. The steam also assists with asthma and bronchitis difficulties. The steam also prevents dehydration by filling the atmosphere with moisture. The Stone Ice Grotto is used by the visitor after the other, heated grottoes to facilitate blood vessel contraction, thereby removing more toxins.
Aura Wellness Spa
At Aura Wellness Spa, a visitor can indulge in several very enjoyable and beneficial activities, including facials, teeth whitening, massage (both physical and water), body scrubs, back facials, and therapeutic treatment, as outlined above. You can also visit the spa just to relax, if that is your wish – Aura Wellness Spa is the best place to do that.
Aura Wellness Spa , where you can make a reservation and purchases a variety of services and packages that will fit your wishes and needs when visiting the spa. It is located at 49 West 33rd St. (between Broadway and 5th Avenue). The hours of operation: Open 7 Days from 10:00 AM to 2:00 AM. The telephone number is: 212.695.9559, 24 hour parking is available in the garage across from the spa.