Facials Spa Treatments in New York City for all types

Some would consider New York the center of the universe. When you’re part of this position in the world, there is a lot of pressure. Pressures to succeed, to lead, to perform, to be everywhere and to turn on a dime are constant. The trick is to make sure that you make it look easy. Like a ballerina in a turn the day should simply look like it revolves with ease. To help you continue forward, pamper your skin and remove the toxins with facial spa treatments in New York City.

The Benefits of Spa Treatments

Facials aren’t simply meant to pamper you, pampering is just a wonderful side effect. Facial spa treatments in New York City are meant to help you remove the toxins from internal and external stress which causes free radical damage and zaps skin of its radiance. A facial will help speed up cell regeneration making you look more awake, younger, and more radiant and have an overall even complexion.

Different Facial Spa Treatments in New York City

Every one of us is different. This is evidenced on every street you walk down. Therefore, there’s no common facial for all skin types. No matter what skin type you fall into: dry, oily, normal, combination or sensitive there are facial spa treatments in New York City to help you look your best.

Mini Facial: When you are in a rush, sit down for just thirty minutes of treatment with a pore cleansing mini facial.

Signature Facial: When you have more time weekly facial spa treatments in New York City are designed to suit your needs and skin type.

Detoxifying Facial: Acne was once believed to be a thing only teenagers faced. This isn’t so. Acne can be caused by bacteria, stress or hormones and affects men and women throughout their lives. Detoxifying facial spa treatments in New York City extract the bacteria, remove blemishes and provide anti-inflammatory care to acne-prone skin.

Lactic Resurfacer: Cleopatra believed that bathing in milk was the key to looking young. Sensitive skin of all types’ benefits from this treatment designed to pin point lines and pores and make your skin look brighter and smoother.

No matter what issues you’ve been battling with your skin, at Aura Wellness Spa we have the perfect facial spa treatments in New York City for all skin types.