Finding Relaxation between a Rock and a Hot Place With Authentic Hot Stone Massage Therapy in New York City

Running around the city can be draining. From hailing a cab to commuting on a crowded subway car to riding your bicycle, just getting around is tumultuous. Not to mention the chores of perfecting spreadsheets, making presentations, lugging groceries and finding time to do laundry. When it feels like the skyscrapers are caving in around you, it’s time for authentic hot stone massage therapy in New York City.

East Meets West For Relaxation

Dating back some 3000 years the Japanese discovered the benefit of hot stone massage. The hot stones traditionally came from the volcanic springs. Packed with minerals and retaining natural heat, the stones from this area were used to ease tension and provide comfort. The therapy was used as a healing ritual to remove the bad energy and replace it with the good.

The Volcano Comes to the City

As there are no natural hot springs or volcanoes in New York City the rocks are brought to us. Volcanic basalt stones are heated in a warm bath inside of the spa. These stones are various size and shape so that everyone may benefit from authentic hot stone massage therapy in New York City.

Reasons to Pamper

There are many times during the day that a native New Yorker or a visitor may feel that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Whether this is because of work or even because of waiting in line for lottery tickets to see “Book of Mormon”, the tension still builds.

The benefits of authentic hot stone massage therapy in New York City include:

    Improvement in Circulation
    Eases Stress
    Removes Toxins
    Relaxes the Muscles
    Aids in Sleep

When on vacation a massage is an essential activity. This is a great way to start or end your time off. Letting go helps you reconnect with your body.

When going through daily life, authentic hot stone massage therapy in New York City will help you take care of everyone else. Being there for others requires a lot of time and patience whether it is with work or family and friends. A massage helps you be relaxed and open.

Before the tension makes you snap, relax with the heat of authentic hot stone massage therapy in New York City.